Are you relocating to Middle Tennessee, have high school aged children, and don’t know where to start? Here is a quick overview of the some schools in Nashville and the surrounding area. If you are considering the public school system, Williamson county schools are widely considered the best, especially the Brentwood city schools. Brentwood also boasts one of the most well funded and supported athletic programs (especially soccer, baseball, and football) in the entire United States.

When considering the available private schools you must first decide if you would prefer co-ed schools or an all girls or all boys institution. If you are leaning towards a highly academic and athletic co-ed school there are actually several great choices: Brentwood Academy, Battle Ground Academy, Franklin Road Academy, Father Ryan (Catholic affiliation), Christ Presbyterian Academy (Presbyterian affiliation), and The University School just to name a few highly respected institutions.

If you are leaning towards a highly academic and athletic all girls school, Harpeth Hall is for you. If you are considering a catholic all girls school Saint Cecilia may be right for you.

If you are leaning towards a highly academic and athletic all boys school, Montgomery Bell Academy is the clear cut choice. MBA annually produces a number of Rhodes Scholars and Ivy League graduates and it’s graduates include Senate majority leader Bill Frist.

This is obviously not a complete list of the available schools; it is simply a highlight sheet to get you started. For a complete list of schools in Nashville and more information please feel free to contact us!

Remember, if you are considering buying or selling Middle Tennessee or Nashville real estate, trust the Remarkable Homes Team and our 17 years of real estate excellence!

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